The Apparion that occurred on 16-08-1998 is visible on the Altar wall even today. Here are the pictures and articles written about it.
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This was the day we were celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christi in the above mentioned Church. The date was 16th August 1998. It was a Sunday, so after the morning Mass Father Edward Revel, the Parish Priest exposed the Most Blessed Sacrament for veneration till evening. At.8.40 a.m. those present witnessed a miraculous situation. Rays of bright light spread out of the Monstrance, at the same time, clouds were seen coming down from above. It’s then that the miraculous reflection, appeared on the wall behind the alter. After the Corpus Christi celebrations were over, a few of us, myself included, went into the sanctuary and there we could see the miraculous reflection of Our Blessed Mother on the wall with outstretched arms in the form of a cross. The sanctuary wall is white and this reflection is on it, to the left of the cross hanging there. Just then we called the Parish Priest and showed it to him and he said the reflection is that of Our Lady. To date it remains there.
From the afternoon of the next day, 17th August, countless devotees started coming in to see the apparition and pray for their various needs. Daily Masses were said at 12 moon and 6 p.m. And at these times the church was overflowing with people. There was continuous prayer going up to Heaven in the form of rosaries, hymns and prayers etc.
A week or two later the Parish Priest and some parishioners met and decided to have the exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament every Friday from 3.00 to 6.00 p.m. followed by Benediction and Holy Mass.
16th October
Exactly 2 months after the first incident when the Most Blessed Sacrament was exposed for adoration, the time was 3.40 p.m. A bright light appeared above the apparition. On the same spot, the Sacred Host appeared encircled by a radiant halo this condition was there for about four minutes and then it disappeared. Lots of people were present in church and they witnessed it.
23rd October
From 3.35 to 3.45 p.m. between the apparition of Our Lady and the wooden cross there appeared (about 3 ins. Above) a light representing a dove then it was encircled by a red flame which looked like the setting sun. This was followed by the appearance of the Sacred Host on the right side on the apparition. After that a rosary with a radium glow started spinning around the Sacred Host. There were about 200 devotees present since it was within the hours of adoration with the Most Blessed Sacrament exposed. On the spot where the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove. A light reddish blotch still remains on the wall.
6th November
Between 3.45 and 4.00 p.m. on the right hand side and a little above the apparition, there appeared the form of the map of Sri Lanka, encircled by the rosary. After that a bright light in the shape of a lamp appeared inside the rosary. Then parts of the image separated from the rest. After a while the parts that separated joined in again and the whole map of Sri Lanka was seen. After some time the whole thing faded off. During this occurrence too, the church was full of people, since it was adoration time.
13th November
At 3.30 p.m. on the wall of the sanctuary, above the apparition and on the right side, there appeared the Sacred Host encircled by the Rosary, and shining itself towards the apparition. This occurred 3 times at intervals of 5 minutes. The rosary divided into the 5 decades was quite visible. The Sacred Host was flickering like a flame. There were lots of people in the church at the time.
20th November
By 3.30 p.m. the wall of the sanctuary was lit up with a very bright light. It was red. At 3.30 p.m. there appeared on the right hand of the apparition and a little above it, the figure of Jesus hanging on the corss. After that the sacred host appeared, reddish in colour the diameter being between 4 and 6 ins. On the very spot where the Holy Spirit appeared the previous time (on 13th November) the Holy Spirit appeared now too, in the form of a large reddish dove and of a bright appearance. Now the Sacred Host moved down gradually towards the tabernacle. This was the last of such occurrences. All this took place in the year 1998 in the months of August, October and November. On this last occasion too the church was full.
Written by Sister Bertha A.C. in 1998
Carmel Seth Pahana Convent,
Katubedde, Moratuwa