Saturday, 11th of October 2014 The vespers service of the Queen Of Angels' Church was held. The chief celebrant was Priest from the Parish, Rev. Fr. Amila Jeevantha Peiris. Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Sunil Kumara Peiris and Rev. Fr. Augustine Fernando concelebrated. Many Priests and religious also graced the occasion.
The Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was done by the chief celebrant Rev. Fr. Amila Jeevantha Peiris.
Under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Sunil Kumara Peiris the Church and the grounds were beautifully decorated in view of the feast and was seen as unforgettable a eye caching spectacle to all who traveled on the Galle Road. The two new bands of the church formed under the ever supportive guidance of our Parish Priest took part in the welcoming ceremony as the first official appearance.
Queen of Angels' - Pray for us!!!
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